A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it

  I’ve only just become aware of this report from June this year.  It seems to have been ignored by the mainstream news media – probably because it had a happy ending, instead of turning into a tragedy. Duncanville police said no children were hurt when an armed man entered the facility where a summer camp… Continue reading A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it

An excellent perspective on the breakdown of our society

  (This article will deal with matters of religious faith, so if you’re not into that, you might want to skip it.) Fellow author and Christian John C. Wright has penned a magnificent essay, one of the best I’ve ever read about our modern world and the society in which we live.  It’s Christian in… Continue reading An excellent perspective on the breakdown of our society

A technological visionary

  I was struck by this photograph, which appeared recently at Daily Timewaster.  It shows models of three Northrop “flying wing” designs:  the piston-engined YB-35, a later jet-propelled version called the YB-49, and the contemporary B-2 Spirit.  Click the image for a larger view. The 120-degree angle of the wing sweep, precisely one-third of a… Continue reading A technological visionary

Some new books from friends

  Several of my friends, fellow bloggers and fellow writers have published new books over the past few weeks.  I’ve read all of them, and recommend them to you.  I’ll list them in alphabetical order by author, to avoid offending anyone. First up is Rita Beeman, known in meatspace as Lawdog’s Lady.  She has a… Continue reading Some new books from friends

An amazingly effective, yet simple, home improvement project

  As part of our recent home upgrades, we decided to invest in an insulated garage door, properly fitted and snugged up to the walls, with side and top sealing strips mounted externally to minimize air exchange between outside and inside.  We considered insulating our existing double garage door, a metal economy unit, but it… Continue reading An amazingly effective, yet simple, home improvement project

Hypocrisy, thy name is Martha’s Vineyard

  It’s (presumably?) nice to have high-falutin’ liberal-progressive values like these.  (Clickit to biggit.) On the other hand, if those principles are no more than skin-deep . . . Oh, dearie me . . . Sundance notes: According to The Boston Globe, officials in Martha’s Vineyard are holding an emergency meeting to deal with the… Continue reading Hypocrisy, thy name is Martha’s Vineyard

Good old-fashioned entrepreneurship + hard work = teen success story!

  I was very happy to read this teenager success story.  I wish there were more like them! Carburetors may represent old-school tech in the automotive world, but don’t tell Riley Schlick, a high school senior in Florida who rebuilds them for a tidy profit. Send your tired, dirty, mucked-up carburetor to Schlick and she’ll… Continue reading Good old-fashioned entrepreneurship + hard work = teen success story!


  Found on Gab.  Clickit to biggit. Isn’t that great?  I don’t have a very “visual” imagination – mine’s more textual and linear, perhaps not surprising in a writer – but some people have the most amazing ability to pick up what you or I might consider trash, or flotsam and jetsam, and assemble a… Continue reading Cool!