From Stephan Pastis’ Pearls Before Swine cartoon strip for today (click the image for a larger view): Peter
Tag: Christmas
OK, this is too cute!
Christmas penguins at the Matsue Vogel Park in Japan. I liked the woman walking behind them with a pooper-scooper. Some things don’t change, even in the festive season! Peter
This ought to give you a very, VERY merry Christmas!
Courtesy of a link at Joel’s place, we learn George Washington’s recipe for eggnog. One quart cream, one quart milk, one dozen tablespoons sugar, one pint brandy, 1/2 pint rye whiskey, 1/2 pint Jamaica rum, 1/4 pint sherry—mix liquor first, then separate [a dozen] yolks and whites of eggs, add sugar to beaten yolks, mix… Continue reading This ought to give you a very, VERY merry Christmas!
I think I’m in the wrong line of business
Would you pay $1,000+ for a Christmas tree? It seems that, in New York City, some would. Longtime Greenwich Village tree seller Heather Neville said Sunday that her tallest — and priciest — offering will command an astonishing $77 per foot from any buyer who can’t haul it home. “This 13-foot tree — a beautiful… Continue reading I think I’m in the wrong line of business
A little story about our potential SecDef
I’m sure most of my readers know that retired US Marine General James N. Mattis is being considered for the post of Secretary of Defense by President-elect Donald Trump. His uncompromising stance and sometimes . . . ah . . . expressive rhetoric have raised a few eyebrows (not to mention concerns). I’d have to say… Continue reading A little story about our potential SecDef
Christmas and New Year thoughts from another chaplain
My sister sent me a link to this Facebook post by Chris Bassett, who’s Chaplain of the Deputy Joint Forces Headquarters of the Washington National Guard, and also Chaplain to the Bonney Lake Police Department and Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. Those of you who aren’t Christian probably won’t find much in it to interest you,… Continue reading Christmas and New Year thoughts from another chaplain
Post-Christmas turkey-induced coma and a red dot sight, among other things
Burp! Oh – excuse me. You see, Miss D. and I cooked up a turkey for Christmas dinner, as we can’t take the contents of our freezer with us when we move next month (it’d take too long between packing it here and being able to unpack it back into the freezer there). As a… Continue reading Post-Christmas turkey-induced coma and a red dot sight, among other things
Christmas eve
I’d like to wish a happy, holy and blessed Christmas to all my readers and friends. May this season of grace lead to a grace-filled year for all of us in 2016. Blogging will be suspended until tomorrow evening, to allow me to relax and enjoy the day with my wife. To celebrate the feast,… Continue reading Christmas eve
Christmas Heh
From ‘Madam and Eve‘, my favorite South African cartoon strip: Kids . . . Peter
Christmas give-away: a TruGlo red-dot sight
I was recently presented with several older-model TruGlo red dot sights, very similar to the Traditional model shown below. They’re magnified 2x, with a 2.5 MOA reticle. I’ve installed most of them on the rifles of disabled and handicapped students, who are enjoying them very much. However, I have one left with no-one needing it. … Continue reading Christmas give-away: a TruGlo red-dot sight