World’s biggest food fight?

Back in January I posted about the hummus ‘war’ between Lebanon and Israel. At that time, Israel had just taken the lead with a record 4,090 kilograms (8,998 pounds) of hummus, prepared at the village of Abu Ghosh. The BBC reports that Lebanon has mounted a counter-offensive, and now holds the high ground. Lebanon has… Continue reading World’s biggest food fight?

The beer wars continue

Back in November last year I wrote about Tactical Nuclear Penguin, a 64 proof beer from Brewdog, a Scottish brewery, that was, at the time, claimed to be the world’s strongest beer. Its reign at the top of the beer-strength heap didn’t last long, however. In January TNP’s title was claimed by German brewery Schorschbräu… Continue reading The beer wars continue

Jet boat racing again

I’ve posted on two occasions about the spectacular accidents jet boat racers can sometimes experience. Now, here’s a video showing how a course should be tackled. It’s accident-free, but just as spectacular! That’s got to be one of the greatest adrenaline rushes ever! I wonder what the G-forces are through some of those very tight… Continue reading Jet boat racing again

‘Tough Guys’ – or macho to the point of madness???

The Daily Mail reports on a ‘sporting’ event the like of which I’ve never heard of before. More than 5,000 people worldwide descended on a small corner of farmland today to brave mud, rain, ice and fire on a gruelling assault course dubbed ‘the world’s hardest endurance test’. Thousands of competitors, some in superhero fancy… Continue reading ‘Tough Guys’ – or macho to the point of madness???

An amazing artist

Reader David sent me the link to this video. The YouTube description is as follows: Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine’s version of “America’s Got Talent.” She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and “sand painting” skills to interpret Germany’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII. It’s a… Continue reading An amazing artist

World’s biggest ice-fishing festival?

The Daily Mail reports on an event in South Korea where an estimated one million ice-fishing enthusiasts are expected to descend on a local river. Visitors to Hwacheon in South Korea have arrived for the annual Ice Festival, which saw 200,000 people visit over the weekend, and which organisers anticipate will see more than a… Continue reading World’s biggest ice-fishing festival?

Firefighters and sheriff’s deputies square off

I’m amused to read of a competition between the Sheriff’s Department and firefighters of Palm Beach County, Florida. The trash talking — e-mailing really — began before the holidays when the spokesman for Palm Beach County firefighters told the spokeswoman for the sheriff’s office that the fire department would not go down to the “wimps… Continue reading Firefighters and sheriff’s deputies square off