I’m glad I don’t live in Germany right now…

  … because the cost of living there is going through the roof.  Reuters reports that last month, German producer prices rose by 45.8% compared to August last year. Producer prices for electricity rose 174.9% compared with August 2021 and by 26.4% compared with the previous month. Excluding energy, the year-on-year rise in producer prices… Continue reading I’m glad I don’t live in Germany right now…

A sobering inside look at our US hospital system

  Divemedic has many years of experience working in the US hospital system.  He offers this insight about what’s going on now in his Florida hospital.  I’ve confirmed that much the same thing is happening in some hospitals in Texas, Tennessee and Colorado, because I have contacts in all of them. We have been short… Continue reading A sobering inside look at our US hospital system

“Setting the table for famine”

  That’s the headline for an hour-long interview Michael Yon did with Epoch Times a couple of days ago.  Unfortunately I couldn’t find a transcript of the interview, but nevertheless I highly recommend watching it.  Mr. Yon covers most of the bases during a long and wide-ranging discussion.  In particular, note the role of governments… Continue reading “Setting the table for famine”

The balance of international influence just shifted – hard

  Many readers may not have paid much attention to the meeting last week of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).  That would be very short-sighted, because a number of developments there demonstrate a significant, possibly permanent shift in the international perspective and alignment of the nations of the world. One of the most interesting aspects… Continue reading The balance of international influence just shifted – hard

“Why is Ron DeSantis a human trafficker and not Joe Biden?”

  That’s the question Tucker Carlson asks.  I highly recommend watching his full monologue (from last Friday), embedded below:  but if you don’t have time, or you prefer to read it rather than listen, I’ve included part of the transcript, with a link to the remainder. In the old America, every citizen was considered equal… Continue reading “Why is Ron DeSantis a human trafficker and not Joe Biden?”

Inflation watch: Argentina as a bellwether for what might happen here

  Those of us who’ve lived in high-inflation societies are watching what’s happening today in the USA with a certain cynical sense of déjà vu.  We’ve seen it all before. The current effective annual US inflation rate (forget the official numbers – they’re falsified – and look to more authoritative sources such as Shadowstats, or… Continue reading Inflation watch: Argentina as a bellwether for what might happen here

A major canary in the economic coal mine

  For those unfamiliar with the use of a canary in a coal mine as a safety device, you can read more about it here.  The practice (now discontinued) has become an idiom for an early indicator of potentially serious or dangerous problems. FedEx has just emerged as a major canary in the coal mine… Continue reading A major canary in the economic coal mine

Hypocrisy, thy name is Martha’s Vineyard

  It’s (presumably?) nice to have high-falutin’ liberal-progressive values like these.  (Clickit to biggit.) On the other hand, if those principles are no more than skin-deep . . . Oh, dearie me . . . Sundance notes: According to The Boston Globe, officials in Martha’s Vineyard are holding an emergency meeting to deal with the… Continue reading Hypocrisy, thy name is Martha’s Vineyard

“Wars and rumors of wars … nation will rise against nation”

  The headline to this post is, of course, from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 6-7.  I’m not saying these are the end times.  After all, people have said that since Christ walked the earth, ignoring his own declaration that “about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in… Continue reading “Wars and rumors of wars … nation will rise against nation”