
It seems three whales washed up on the shores of the Faroe Islands the other day.  The islanders decided to cut them up in order to remove the bodies more easily. Unfortunately, the man doing the cutting seems to have forgotten that whales are big enough to decompose from the inside out – and that… Continue reading Stinky!

Ever heard of a ‘Guybrator’?

I hadn’t, until I came across an article in the Telegraph mentioning it and a number of other ‘male-prefix’ words.  In case you were wondering, a ‘guybrator’ is a male vibrator (whatever the hell that is, and I don’t want to know!) See how many of these terms you understand: Blokebuster Dicklit Heavage Manscaping They’re… Continue reading Ever heard of a ‘Guybrator’?

The ugliest shoes of all time?

Courtesy of a link from Dustbury, we’re informed of a contest by Shoewawa to select the ugliest shoes of all time.  Readers are invited to vote for their selection over the next couple of weeks. With entries like this: it’s going to be tough choosing a ‘winner’!  (Or should that be ‘worst loser’?) Peter

Euphemism of the day

I love the way politicians, corporations and mothers manage to find creative ways to speak of something that might otherwise be offensive.  The latest example comes from Australia, where a truck filled with human excrement spilled some of its fragrant freight on a motorway in Brisbane.  The company that owns the truck described the incident… Continue reading Euphemism of the day

Breathing in New York City’s air may be hazardous to your health . . .

. . . if this report in the New York Daily News is to be believed. Big Apple air is a bizarre brew of bacteria, pollen, clothing fiber, fungus, tire rubber, dead skin cells, cooking fat and carbon emissions. The truth of exactly what New Yorkers breathe comes courtesy of air expert Bill Logan, who… Continue reading Breathing in New York City’s air may be hazardous to your health . . .