Doofi Of The Day #5

Here’s a hint. Those who operate tattoo parlors do business in such premises for a number of very good reasons. There’s the license for the operator and premises, health and safety regulations, questions of hygiene, and a host of others. If a tattooist offers to ‘operate’ on you in the comfort of your own home,… Continue reading Doofi Of The Day #5

I get the feeling this must have been an interesting morning.

It seems that the staff of the National Parks Service are both versatile and courageous. (If that link shows later news, select the news for this date from the drop-down menu.) A few days ago Mr. Ron DeLong was driving through the Everglades National Park, FL, and stopped his SUV to watch a six-foot Burmese… Continue reading I get the feeling this must have been an interesting morning.

Does marksmanship in Australia leave something to be desired?

Two news reports from Down Under have left me shaking my head. First, Mr. Jason Grant was collecting crocodile eggs on a croc farm when he was attacked by one of the beasts. His unnamed co-worker fired two shots at the crocodile, hitting it with one but shooting his colleague in the arm with the… Continue reading Does marksmanship in Australia leave something to be desired?

The Mile High Club’s origins

It seems that the Mile High Club may be rather older than one might imagine. It’s said that the first recorded incident of mile-high mischief may have been undertaken by a pilot, one Lawrence Sperry, and his trainee pilot passenger, Mrs. (!) Waldo Polk, in November 1916. The two were airborne in his Curtiss flying-boat… Continue reading The Mile High Club’s origins

Surgeons and video games – a natural combination?

This one makes me wonder . . . A study by the Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona has found that surgical residents performed better during simulated surgery after playing games on the Nintendo Wii console for an hour beforehand. The study found that “only those games requiring precise movements, like Marble Mania… Continue reading Surgeons and video games – a natural combination?