Some weeks ago the theme on the mobile template for my blog changed from light to dark. Numerous readers complained that made it more difficult to read text, particularly highlighted items. I think I figured out how to change it back to a light background. If you’re using a mobile device, does that work… Continue reading Mobile theme has changed from dark to light. What do you prefer?
Tag: Grrr
I couldn’t agree more!!!
From Congressman Paul Gosar on Gab (clickit to biggit): We have no business sending our taxpayer dollars overseas when we face so many challenges at home that we can’t or won’t finance. Enough, dammit! Peter
What will it take to make us us cleanse our society of this filth?
The sheer, naked, in-your-face evil of the pedophile cult in our society is now so blatant, so commonplace, that many people simply yawn and say, “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it”. That’s a cop-out. We have to do something about it, or see more and more of our children sucked into the… Continue reading What will it take to make us us cleanse our society of this filth?
Technical difficulties with Blogger?
I’m sure many of my readers have seen comments on other blogs about how difficult some are finding it to post new articles. Some claim that Google is improving tweaking fiddling with its Blogger architecture, trying to improve it. The Silicon Graybeard wrote a lengthy article about it recently, to which I refer you… Continue reading Technical difficulties with Blogger?
“Why is Ron DeSantis a human trafficker and not Joe Biden?”
That’s the question Tucker Carlson asks. I highly recommend watching his full monologue (from last Friday), embedded below: but if you don’t have time, or you prefer to read it rather than listen, I’ve included part of the transcript, with a link to the remainder. In the old America, every citizen was considered equal… Continue reading “Why is Ron DeSantis a human trafficker and not Joe Biden?”
If I worked on the railroads, I’d vote for a strike, too
All the verbal diarrhea spouted by politicians, railroad business executives and others about how a rail strike would be disastrous for the USA ignores a simple reality. Rail staff – particularly engineers and conductors – are so over-stressed, over-worked and under-appreciated that I’m astonished they’ve put up with it for this long. They need… Continue reading If I worked on the railroads, I’d vote for a strike, too
Lake Mead levels aren’t about climate change, but over-consumption
The American Spectator points out the obvious. The water level in Lake Mead is reaching record lows and the popular narrative maintains that drought brought on by human-caused climate change is to blame. But the government’s own data from the Bureau of Reclamation shows this is not true. . . . As can be… Continue reading Lake Mead levels aren’t about climate change, but over-consumption
Have European Union bureaucrats lost their minds?
The Zman warns that European bureaucrats are trying (perhaps “conspiring” would be a better word) to fix energy prices at higher levels for the long term. In effect the EU is lending its citizens money to pay their utility bills, without telling them that they are creating a debt for them. Example Cornelius is… Continue reading Have European Union bureaucrats lost their minds?
“You ain’t seen nuthin’, yet”
That’s how Neil Oliver opens his latest opinion piece. He’s writing from Britain, but the points he makes are just as valid here in the USA – just change the politicians’ names as needed. He points out that all the headlines in the news media are nothing but an attempt to disguise the reality… Continue reading “You ain’t seen nuthin’, yet”
More evidence of how inflation is destroying America from within. Is it deliberate?
A recent headline reads: “A ‘Tsunami of Shutoffs’: 20 Million US Homes Are Behind on Energy Bills“. The Nice household is one of some 20 million across the country—about 1 in 6 American homes—that have fallen behind on their utility bills. It is, according to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (Neada), the worst… Continue reading More evidence of how inflation is destroying America from within. Is it deliberate?