While everybody on the right of US politics is getting excited about a potential “Red Wave” in November, I’ve been watching the left of US politics. They don’t appear overly worried or dejected by what they see in opinion polls or media commentary. In fact, they’re doubling down on their message that it’s all… Continue reading Stand by for a deception operation to derail November’s elections
Tag: Politics
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”
That’s a well-known exhortation by the late President Theodore Roosevelt. He was all about actually doing something yourself, rather than expecting (or electing) others to do it for you. I’ve tried to live up to his advice, not always successfully, but always with a better outcome than if I hadn’t tried at all. The… Continue reading “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”
Money over the past 10,000 years or so
I recently came across an investment service called Epsilon Theory. They have an enormous range of articles and reports that are among the best-researched and easily understandable of any that I’ve read anywhere else. I’ve taken up their (limited) free subscription offer, and I recommend it to you as well. I found their article,… Continue reading Money over the past 10,000 years or so
A very, very good point
Regarding calls for a Constitutional Convention to “rectify” our current political problems, Karl Denninger observes (emphasis in original): [A convention] will do nothing until and unless it includes the willingness of the States to back the requirements of the Constitution with whatever force is necessary for it to be obeyed, Supreme Court, Executive and… Continue reading A very, very good point
Remembering an epic sports anniversary
On October 3, 2021, political history was made after a Nascar race. Seldom has a sports reporter put her foot in her mouth quite so comprehensively . . . or so memorably! Peter
“Now is the time to take back control of money”
That’s the position of Neil Oliver, whom we’ve met in these pages on many previous occasions. I think he makes a strong case. Here’s his video presentation, followed by an excerpt from the transcript. Mr. Oliver notes: Let’s imagine you want to borrow 200k to buy a house. When you go to the bank… Continue reading “Now is the time to take back control of money”
I couldn’t agree more!!!
From Congressman Paul Gosar on Gab (clickit to biggit): We have no business sending our taxpayer dollars overseas when we face so many challenges at home that we can’t or won’t finance. Enough, dammit! Peter
Sounds like the Italians have picked themselves a worthwhile leader
I don’t normally follow Italian politics very closely, but I’ve watched the recent election campaign there with real astonishment. To have the President of the European Commission publicly and unashamedly threaten the Italian electorate with “consequences” if they elect the “wrong” government . . . that’s mind-boggling. So much for democracy! Thankfully, Italian voters… Continue reading Sounds like the Italians have picked themselves a worthwhile leader
“Setting the table for famine”
That’s the headline for an hour-long interview Michael Yon did with Epoch Times a couple of days ago. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a transcript of the interview, but nevertheless I highly recommend watching it. Mr. Yon covers most of the bases during a long and wide-ranging discussion. In particular, note the role of governments… Continue reading “Setting the table for famine”
“Why is Ron DeSantis a human trafficker and not Joe Biden?”
That’s the question Tucker Carlson asks. I highly recommend watching his full monologue (from last Friday), embedded below: but if you don’t have time, or you prefer to read it rather than listen, I’ve included part of the transcript, with a link to the remainder. In the old America, every citizen was considered equal… Continue reading “Why is Ron DeSantis a human trafficker and not Joe Biden?”