Tamil Tigers’ last gasp?

I was interested to read of the air raid on Colombo, Sri Lanka, last Friday by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a terrorist movement known colloquially as the Tamil Tigers. The Tigers have always been a somewhat enigmatic movement. They’ve claimed to represent the Tamil community in Sri Lanka, allegedly ‘defending’ them against the… Continue reading Tamil Tigers’ last gasp?

Mexico is slipping into anarchy

Yes, it’s another post on Mexico’s skyrocketing crime problem – and it’s getting worse by the day. Consider the following developments from the last three days alone. 1. The BBC reports: The chief of police in Mexico’s most violent city, Ciudad Juarez, has stepped down amid ongoing threats. Roberto Orduna stepped down hours after a… Continue reading Mexico is slipping into anarchy

Bin Laden’s hide-out?

I’m intrigued by some very interesting research done by geographers at UCLA. It’s available from the MIT International Review as a large downloadable file in PDF format. They claim to have identified Osama bin Laden’s likely whereabouts by applying geographic science to publicly released intelligence information. According to Science Daily: The UCLA findings rely on… Continue reading Bin Laden’s hide-out?

In a terrorist attack, don’t rely on your cellphone!

If you thought you might be able to use your cellphone to communicate with your loved ones during a terrorist attack . . . think again. The New York Police Department is looking for ways to disrupt cell phone calls and other forms of electronic communication among terrorists in the event of another terror attack… Continue reading In a terrorist attack, don’t rely on your cellphone!