Weekend Warships 3: Submarines – is the old becoming new again?

We’re all familiar with submarines intended to fire torpedoes from underwater, as most of them have done since this type of ship became technologically feasible. However, from time to time designers and strategists have thought of other uses for submarines, making them more akin to surface vessels in some respects. In this Weekend Warships article,… Continue reading Weekend Warships 3: Submarines – is the old becoming new again?

Weekend Warships #2: From City, to Admiral, to King!

This Weekend Warships article will trace the long, strange, convoluted career of the former Soviet Kiev class ‘heavy aviation cruiser’ Baku. In the 1970’s, the Soviet Union decided to work towards an aircraft carrier capability for its Navy. This gave rise to Project 1153 Orel, which prepared preliminary designs for a ship of 75,000-80,000 tons,… Continue reading Weekend Warships #2: From City, to Admiral, to King!

Weekend Warships #1: USS San Diego (CL-53)

As a companion series to my Weekend Wings articles (see links in the sidebar), I’m going to start a Weekend Warships series. This won’t replace Weekend Wings, but I’ll hopefully be able to do more of them, and more often. To do a good Weekend Wings article, with all the references and links, takes me… Continue reading Weekend Warships #1: USS San Diego (CL-53)