Pride & Prejudice – and ZOMBIES???

I’m almost – but not quite – speechless at reading of a new book that’s about to be published, and a film deal that appears to be in the works. IT is a truth commercially acknowledged that Jane Austen’s high-spirited heroines can be recast as Hollywood brats or Bollywood sirens, wittily navigating the eternal perils… Continue reading Pride & Prejudice – and ZOMBIES???

Remembering George Orwell

Perhaps appropriately, in the light of my last post (see below) about President Obama’s inauguration, tomorrow, January 21st, is the 59th anniversary of the death of Eric Arthur Blair, better known to history under the nom de plume George Orwell. Orwell is perhaps best known for his anti-totalitarian works Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Both… Continue reading Remembering George Orwell

The future of books and reading

The future of book publishing, marketing and reading is in flux right now. Not only are hard times, economically speaking, impacting every aspect of the business, but the demographics of the reading population are changing rapidly. L. E. Modesitt, Jr., a well-known fantasy and science-fiction author, highlighted some of these issues on his blog recently.… Continue reading The future of books and reading