Talk about enjoying your work!

I love this video clip of Yanni‘s orchestra showing off their skills, in what seems to be some sort of encore performance (I don’t know the date or location). They’re riffing off a tune that appears to be derived from the sea shanty ‘Drunken Sailor‘. What I find so much fun is the obvious enjoyment each musician takes in his or her work. They’re not just demonstrating their skills to the audience, they’re playing with and for each other, and having a very good time doing so. It’s great to see professionals on the top of their form, relaxing and clowning around like this.

Definitely my warm fuzzy musical moment of the week!



  1. This is a great video, for exactly the reason you point out.

    Given that I'm only two years into guitar, I hope I can be forgiven for the fact that the expression usually on my face when I practice is painted concentration, not pure joy. 😉

  2. Thanks, Comrade Misfit! I didn't know that one (I don't know much of Allan Sherman apart from his boys' camp song, since he wasn't widely known in South Africa, where I spent the first few decades of my life). It was fun listening.

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