Talk about on-the-job education!

Ever heard of the practice of ‘show and tell‘? It’s common in US schools, although not so much in other countries. Anyway, I guess the video clip below is the opposite – ‘tell, then show’!

It was certainly educational, wasn’t it?



  1. Oops! Talk about timing. Although … I tend to think that had this trooper not been there and doing his job, this crash might not have occurred. When we drive, and are distracted by things in our periphery, we have this lousy habit of concentrating on that distraction, and then moving toward it. Glad all(?) turned out ok. The interesting question might be, where did the Trooper park his unit?

  2. That's an old clip that has been making the rounds on various reality police shows, like "Most amzing" and "Destroyed in seconds".

    The full clip is a bit longer, the camera is the cops dashboard cam, so the coming car just missed it.
    The clip starts just after the cop has moved the woman further to the side of the road, and is explaining why he wanted her to move. She initially stood just where the car came.

    The officer parked a bit further out to the side, while the woman parked just outside the line, and apparently that wasn't far enough from the driving lane. Drivers are supposed to stay in the lane, so this is not in any way the officers fault.

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