That’s one way to educate drivers, I guess!

I was amused to come across this video clip from Brazil.

Looking for more information about it, I came across this article at the Huffington Post.

… the Hermann Blumenau Rotary Club of Blumenau, Brazil, has taken it upon itself to do its part to prevent as many pedestrian traffic deaths as possible. In the video, members of the club, who have since been called Brazilian crosswalk guardians, pick up a car that infringed on pedestrian space, and carry it out of the crosswalk, back across the white line.

Pedestrian deaths are fairly prevalent in Brazil, which has a significantly higher road traffic mortality rate that Chile or Argentina. A recent report on Brazilian road traffic deaths averaged pedestrian mortality at 5.46 deaths per 100,000 people. For Blumenau, which has an estimated population of nearly 250,000, there are an estimated 13 pedestrian deaths per year.

There’s more at the link.

Way to go, guys!



  1. Teach ignorant drivers they shouldn't block pededtrian crosswalks.

    And by lifting a car and walking with it they get a nice cardio-workout.


    Well, unless the driver has a temper along with a CCL and is totin a Glock 19.

  2. I've been to Brasil, and have even strolled the streets. Yeah, they all try to drive like Senna down there, and convential wisdom is that the stop signs are seen more as a kindly suggestion of "here's a good spot to slow down… if you want to".

  3. We could use those fellows here in Phoenix.

    Crosswalk parkers also create a danger for the other drivers waiting at the light: If the joker beside you pulls into the sidewalk, you can no longer see the intersecting road on that side. So, when the light changes, you can't verify that the crossing traffic has stopped.

  4. Toejam: Glock 19? Why worry about such a small weapon? He has a car!


    I dunno. It's funny, and a worthwhile cause, but… if I saw a bunch of guys running up and surrounding my car at a light, I'd be inclined to think "Carjacking!" and hit the gas.

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