“The Fight for the Soul of Seattle”


That’s the title of a new and frightening 90-minute documentary from KOMO News in Seattle.  It’s frightening because Seattle is a hotbed of progressive leftism.  If you live in any city where the progressive left dominates, or is coming to dominate, this is what you can expect your town to look like before long.

You may recall that KOMO broadcast three earlier award-winning documentaries about Seattle:

The latest documentary, the fourth in the series, was released last weekend.  It’s also available on YouTube, and is embedded below.  KOMO says of it:

KOMO News and [Eric] Johnson examine the role of Seattle’s City Council in allowing the situation to reach what many experts consider epidemic levels under the guise of a compassionate approach to people who suffer from substance addiction and who commit crimes to feed their habit.

“The Fight for the Soul of Seattle” is an essay, really,” Johnson said. “It’s a stark, frank look at a philosophy that has taken hold in Seattle, and that I believe is destroying not only our city, but countless lives that are left to languish in misery all around us. The philosophy is this: Seattle no longer feels the need to stop anyone from doing anything. My hope is that the show doesn’t become a political football. A blame game. An us-versus-them talking point that results in nothing but division.”

“The Fight for the Soul of Seattle” documents the heartbreaking condition of people on the streets, and the crushing decisions Seattle entrepreneurs are forced to contemplate as their life savings and dreams are destroyed by theft, vandalism and a dwindling customer base. This documentary also explores potential bold solutions to treat those living on the streets and pair them with agencies and assistance that can provide a clear path away from the endless circle of addiction and crime.

There’s more at the link.

I strongly urge you to take the time to watch this documentary.  Yes, 90 minutes is time that you could use to do other things:  but what you’re about to see is what happens to a city in just a few short years when its leadership abdicates personal responsibility and implements a socialist, even communist ideology under the guise of social engineering.  Seattle used to be a lovely city, a wonderful place to live.  Today, it’s an urban catastrophe.  Its example is spreading from there to many other progressive-dominated cities.  (Hello, Chicago, Portland, Philadelphia, and all too many others . . . )  Seattle is just the furthest gone on the slippery slope to urban collapse.  Others are following it.

If the embedded video won’t play, you can watch it here on YouTube or here at KOMO-TV.

Let’s all be warned.  Unless we stop this progressive-socialist-marxist claptrap in its tracks in our own towns and cities, this is staring all of us in the face.  Forewarned is forearmed.



  1. But the residents voted and continue to vote in these creatures that espouse the insanity. Or has it been election fraud all along???

  2. jsmaione1: Bimgo! Yes. Election fraud has been with us for a long time. One good, hard look at those people in office will make you realize they were never voted in, they stole and cheated their way in. All of them.

  3. I live in Seattle. Trust me, no election fraud is needed; so many of the residents here vote entirely on how the candidates make them feel, not on results of the policies.

  4. It won't be that much longer before things turn around. Not because sanity will prevail again, but because stuff like subgroup-rights, drug addiction, degeneracy, etc. are all excellent tools for taking down an open society and giving totalitarianism the means to take over. Once it does take over, however, all of those things that were so useful for destroying suddenly become counterproductive to the "collective good" and will be ruthlessly suppressed.

  5. I live in Seattle and can verify it's that bad. I was planning on moving last year…then I had open heart surgery. Now I'm able and ready to move, but almost broke…and nobody wants to hire someone who isn't local. Anybody in Texas need a good Systems Admin?

  6. Ouch. What that reveals, to me at least, is that I simply do not understand the thinking of those in charge there, and those who vote for them.

    – Are they simply evil and comfortable with that, happily prepared to ruin their city for some perceived objective of their own? It seems unlikely; most of us don't like to think of ourselves that way.

    – Do they avoid seeing the results of their policies/votes? Stay away from the blighted parts of the city so they can pretend it's not so bad? But the documentary mentioned the council actually joining the riots; they know about it at first hand, don't they?

    – Do they think that, with a bit more compassion, a bit less policing, a bit of time for it all to settle in, it will all come right?

    – Are they not thinking at all, or only with their emotions?

    – Are they so committed to a theory that they simply cannot endure the thought that it may be wrong, and so must persist or suffer mental breakdown?

    – Something else?

    It's scary to realise there are apparently-civilised people whose mentality is so alien.

  7. Living in rural Washington I note that anyone who can work remotely is moving out and bringing the same view point that ruined Seattle with them.

  8. The only real answer to this problem is to ensure when you hear someone espousing the point of view supported by these people that you puncuate the discussion with a hollow-point in the middle of their forehead and walk away.

  9. I have watched the 90 minute documentary on the death of Seattle, twice. In a place that is so close to utter destruction there is a solution but it is very hard both to accept and to deploy.
    The root cause of Seattle's problems is drugs, drugs of various, destructive addictions. The first priority is to interdict the inflow of the drugs into the city. The only way to deal with that is to attack the traffickers, not the street-level dealers but those who import wholesale the drugs that the street-level dealers get their supplies from. The penalties for the upper-level traffickers must be extremely severe. In the far East this involves the death penalty. In Seattle the penalties should include life imprisonment without parole and the confiscation of all assets and possessions.
    All addicts taken into custody should be sentenced to drug addiction treatment centers, not prison. Once there, both drug and psychological problems must be addressed and dealt with.The centers must be remedial not punitive.
    Most importantly, both the local Government and the populace must back such radical moves.

  10. @selsey: "The first priority is to interdict the inflow of the drugs into the city. The only way to deal with that is to attack the traffickers, not the street-level dealers but those who import wholesale the drugs that the street-level dealers get their supplies from."

    Understand that the traffickers have lots of cover. To get them, you're also going to have to take down quite a few high level politicians and bureaucrats (including DAs and judges), quite a few in law enforcement, quite a few in banking, business leaders, etc. Not saying it's impossible, but fucking with the upper echelons a tens-of-billions-a-year industry is going to mean a major fight.

    "All addicts taken into custody should be sentenced to drug addiction treatment centers, not prison."

    Kind of going to need to depend on the hows and whys behind them getting arrested.

  11. I lived in West Seattle for 9 months. It was a nice place. In 1985. Over in Seattle there was the Elliot Bay Book Store, a nice place right across the street from the homeless shelters. We went there on a train to catch a ride down to Olympia to visit my daughter. The city I knew was gone.

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