The world of “Swallows and Amazons” brought to life

I’m sure at least some of my readers were raised, as I was, to enjoy the “Swallows and Amazons” series of books by Arthur Ransome.  They’re timeless classics, still popular today with many families.

The BBC has just produced this 40-minute documentary examining the Lake District, the Norfolk Broads and the Suffolk coastline in which most of the books are set.  For those who’ve never been there, it’s a wonderful introduction and background to the world of Arthur Ransome’s protagonists.  Even if you’ve never heard of or read the books, it’s captivating.

Watch the documentary in full-screen mode for best results.




  1. Thanks, Peter, I loved the Ransome books as a kid. Did you know that he was a spy, possibly a double agent, and that his second wife was Trotsky's secretary?

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