The things you find on the World Wide Web

I meander through the fields and valleys of the Web from time to time. A post somewhere will capture my interest, and I’ll click on the links it contains. Those links will contain further links, which will lead me to something else, and by the time I look up an hour or two has gone past and I’ve no idea what I did with the time.

Still, meandering can sometimes lead you to nuggets in the stream of life.

Tam posted about the siege of the CSA compound on April 20th, 1985. One of her links led me to the Wikipedia article on the so-called Zionist Occupation Government. That article contained this sentence, which made me do a double-take:

. . . the website Creedish Occupied Government, which claims that the government is controlled by the Amish.

The Amish???

I just had to take a look. I ended up chuckling aloud for several minutes, and I think you will too.

Take a look at the Creedish Occupied Government. It might not be a bad replacement for the incompetent, bureaucratic nightmare with which we’re saddled right now!


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