This looks like it might be an interesting movie

I was intrigued to find online a trailer for the new “Snow White” movie. It appears to be decidedly adult in its orientation, rather than the usual children’s fairy-tale. Judge for yourselves.

This might turn out to be a very interesting adaptation of the fairy-story. We shall see.



  1. Looks pretty interesting, and I've been a fan of Chris Hemsworth ever since Thor but the fact that Kristin "Bella" Stewart is one of the leads is enough to make me want to wait 'til the DVD comes out.

  2. Looks interesting, but I await my son's opinion, and then he can buy me the DVD. That way Hollywood only gets money for one ticket stub. 🙂

  3. If it was anybody but Kristen Stewart in the lead I'd be interested. Sorry, but no way she's hotter than Katherine Heigl.

  4. Looks great. I think I've even still got a movie theater gift card around.
    Don't know about her being fairer than Charlize Theron though.

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