Michael Lewis, famous author of ‘Liars Poker‘ and other books, published ‘The Big Short‘ in 2010.
It examined the lead-up to the financial crisis of 2007/08, and portrayed a fascinating behind-the-scenes world where a few savvy analysts saw what was coming and profited from it – at the expense of the entire US economy.
I bought the book soon after it came out, and have it on my desk as I write these words. It’s an excellent read, more like a detective story than a financial exposé. Now comes the news that a movie has been made from the book, and will be released later this year. Here’s the trailer.
For those who’ve read my financial and economics articles, and found them useful, I think this movie might be a must-see. If they’ve been faithful to the book in making it, it’ll certainly be an eye-opener. I plan to read early reviews with great interest. If it’s as good as I think it could be, I’ll be standing in line for tickets.
Brad Pitt seems to like Lewis's book. This is the second book his production company adapts. This time, it would seem that Steve Carell is playing the 'central' character and he's relegating himself to playing one of the side character.
I am going to see it too. Or read the book. and the other books.
Excellent book, and the movie looks like a winner.