According to Leigh Scott, it’s politicians!
… all these political scandals serve to hammer home a central point: politicians are a wacky bunch. They are an odd form of sociopath. Deluded, narcissistic, self-important wind bags who spend their lives seeking the ultimate freeloading government gig. They are not to be trusted. Government should be limited so we don’t allow these types of people: philanderers, tax cheats, alcoholics, drug addicts, con artists, pedophiles and thieves too much control over the people.
. . .
There is an inherent fallacy to statist ideologies like communism and socialism. For them to work, the people in the government must be beyond reproach. They must be angels; wise sages who can put their own egos, wants and desires on the back burner to serve the common good. Where are these benevolent deities? Where are these Mother Theresa types to guide us and protect us? They ain’t in Washington.
There’s more at the link.
I think the author has nailed it. We need a better class of politician. Trouble is, where to find them? All the decent folks wouldn’t be seen dead as politicians.
I remember reading at one time, a hypothesis that the best people to have in charge would be (of course, educated/smart) young mothers. Because they'd be more motivated to make the world a better place for their children.
Unless one has money, they will never be able to run or be elected. When the common (wo)man lost the ability to serve in any sort of legislature, the battle was over and we were all doomed.
All that remains is for us to finally figure it out.
I'm thinking people are actually starting to get it.
Somewhere I read that the person who least wants to run for election is probably the best candidate. One should steer clear of those who put themselves forward.
I just wish I could remember where the line came from.
I think our political "leaders" should be drafted and forced to take the oath of office kicking and screaming. Anyone volunteering for office should be immediately beaten to a pulp and banned from any office for life.
Heh. Paraphrasing Douglas Adams: "Any man who is capable of having himself made President should, under NO circumstances, be allowed to do the job."