Trump Derangement Syndrome at the EPA?

I’m more than a little mind-boggled by the over-reaction to President Trump’s gag order on EPA staff and suspension of pending rules and regulations – something that’s pretty standard for any new administration, as it tries to get a handle on what’s coming up and stop those things that aren’t in accord with its policies.  The gag order is only going to last about a week, according to one source, but even so, the knee-jerk reactions of the anti-Trumpers are epic.  For example, Yahoo News reports:

The executive director for the advocacy group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, Jeff Ruch, said the orders go beyond what has occurred in prior presidential transitions.

“We’re watching the dark cloud of Mordor extend over federal service,” Ruch said Tuesday, referring to the evil kingdom in the epic fantasy “The Lord of the Rings.”

There’s more at the link.

Mordor?  Mordor???

Perhaps Mr. Ruch is worried about the telephone calls some of his people at the EPA may receive if they disobey orders.  “One ring-ring to rule them all”?



  1. President Trump is masterfully dominating the leftist extremists in the EPA and everywhere else.
    I am really getting tired of all this winning.

  2. We have important environmental clean ups to perform. I think the EPA employees would agree.
    I suggest we give them some hazmat gear and a shovel and get their chair-bound asses to work.

    It may be hard to fire them, but their job descriptions can change.

  3. I think it's very telling that the snowflakes have to use references from an IMAGINARY story to discuss real life.

  4. The most dangerous enemy Trump will face is the entrenched Beurocracy, that knows it's fighting for it's very life….

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