It’s reported that a team of real-life ghostbusters is to visit the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio to deal with a little problem they’re having.
According to the report: “The Atlantic Paranormal Society, known as TAPS, visits the base this week to investigate three buildings where workers have reported phenomena which they cannot explain such as hearing footsteps, voices and seeing apparitions – specifically one of a little boy in building 219 and one of an older woman in building 70.”
You know, I’ve never served with any branch of the US armed forces, but I have served in those of another country. Based on my memories of that service, I’m willing to wager a large sum of money that right now, aviators in the US Marines, US Navy and US Army are feverishly consulting their colleagues to figure out how to provide their USAF comrades-in-arms with a series of truly horrendous ghostly experiences for the benefit of the TAPS researchers.
I’m betting they’ll see something like a Marine eagle-globe-and-anchor insignia wafting through the air while a spectral voice intones, “All Air Force pilots are . . . ” (fill in the appropriate word from your own memories of military service!)
This should be good!
Peter, don’t forget the “eagle” of the eagle, globe & anchor, or “EGA” to those of us who were privileged to be called Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children …………….
Semper Fi’
I hear you, DM. The reason I left out the eagle from the globe and anchor was that the bird is also the USAF symbol, and I wanted to emphasize the distinction. Clearly it didn’t work the way I wanted it to. I’ve changed the post accordingly.
Yeah, but the Air Farce doesn’t rate the globe & fouled anchor – understand your intent, but didn’t want you getting ……………….. “dinged” by any other Marines ………………..
Semper Fi’