Video from inside a tornado

No Silence Here has put up a video clip of a storm-chaser vehicle that found itself directly in the path of a tornado in Oklahoma recently.  One can’t see much, but the violence of the storm is very obvious.  It’s worth watching.

Personally, I think anyone who deliberately puts themselves in close proximity to a tornado has issues best dealt with by a psychiatrist . . . but to each his own, I guess.



  1. I've seen pictures of the vehicle used in this clip that was specially armored for storm watching and it's a mess. The entire episode says more about the emotional status of the thrill junkies than it does about the scientific content.
    The tornado in question was calculated to be a high end EF4 and was actually filmed in North Central Kansas 200+ miles from Oklahoma.

  2. The actual scientists are actually smarter than that, I think. Not worth the risk, for a video that everyone will forget about as soon as the "Grumpy Cat" movie comes out.

  3. There are several issues at work here, the most important being-why would anyone do this? But, then, having done it, and survived, the next "ride" beckons again, and again. That's why there are roller coasters, I think. I watched the chaser yesterday, Friday, May 31st, on FOX. You just can't get me to do that. It's like playing Russian roulette.

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