A (virgin) lamb to the slaughter?

I’m profoundly suspicious about a report from England.

A devout Christian has landed a job at a lap dance club.

Dave Dragas is a manager for the dancers but has never been tempted because he doesn’t believe in sex before marriage.

‘I’ve been propositioned more than 20 times but the girls won’t have much luck,’ he said.

The self-confessed virgin, of Kingston in Surrey, has never had a girlfriend and goes to church when his work hours permit.

It took him six months to tell his father about the job and ‘he wasn’t very happy’.

But the 26-year-old believes his £35,000-a-year salary at Secrets in central London will help him provide for a family one day.

‘It’s fun but it’s strictly professional,’ he added.

Fun, yes; professional, unquestionably; but Christian??? I hardly think so. I wonder whether Mr. Dragas’ protestations of innocence (and virginity) aren’t designed to attract rather more interest (and custom) to his establishment than it could otherwise expect?

Hmmm . . . you make the call.


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