Wasp overkill?

It seems a giant nest of wasps near a Chinese village was becoming a major danger.  One man was reportedly stung to death, whilst many others had been injured.  The Chinese Army was called in to deal with the problem – which they did in true military style.

Can anyone say ‘overkill’?  I suspect they’ve been borrowing ideas from the original ‘boys and their toys’, the US Marine Corps . . .



  1. IMHO, there is no such thing as overkill when it comes to wasps & killer bees…. and I really, really want one of those narrow focus flamethrowers……….. for pest control, of course……. 🙂

  2. I wouldnt mind being the trigger man, but geez, at the idiot who was the "bipod".

    Aren't those thing known for being… drippy?

  3. Looked "appropriate" to me 🙂 And I would NOT have wanted to be the guy providing the shoulder rest!

  4. Did anybody else find themselves making up words (in your own language of course) to go along with the various interviews?

    Army guy:

    "Yeah, these things are seriously annoying, we're gonna blow the out of it and then piss on what's left…"

  5. Sadly, there was no way to work in the use of detcord. 🙁

    Considering who it was, I'm pretty sure that if that did not provide a permanent solution the next step would have been to lift off and nuke it from low orbit.

    stay safe.

  6. I know that wasps play an important role in the ecosystem, and that they can be wonderful tools for controlling agricultural pests. But as one who is very close to being so allergic that I need an epi-pen . . . Burn baby burn!


  7. There is no "try to kill…", there is no "overkill…"; there is only – "KILL!!" –

    Yoda has spoken truly…

  8. Am I the only one impressed by the range and speed of that thing? And people keep telling me that flamethrowers are obsolete…

    Clearly they just haven't thought of the humanitarian aspects of flamethrowers….

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