1. Well, sheesh…turn the heat on so your kitties aren't so cold that they need to go curl up on nice, fresh, de-kitty haired warm clothes.

    My kitty likes to do the same thing…as soon as they are cool, he is off to other spots.

  2. I knew the answer before clicking over, and sure enough…

    I have to lock my folded laundry in the bathroom if I can't put it away immediately, or I spend twenty minutes at the start of my shift with medical tape de-furring my scrubs.

    I'm thinking next time it happens, I'm just gong to cut to the chase, and wash the cat.
    In the machine.

  3. I'm thinking next time it happens, I'm just gong to cut to the chase, and wash the cat.
    In the machine.

    To distribute the fur more evenly? XD

    I found that heating pads – the kind for people that have the "do not lay one these, do not use with pets" warning on them were far more effective at keeping cats off of other warm things I didn't want them laying on

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