1. That's an interesting take … that poor Klingon couldn't get into Stovalkor. Oops, wrong setting. 🙂

  2. I can so identify with that character.

    Although within a few years he'd have started tunneling.

  3. It's okay. He ended up reincarnating. I think I've met him.


    He ended up reincarnating a lot.

  4. Here's an amusing thought experiment:

    Some Mormons believe that by retroactively baptizing dead ancestors, they can afford those ancestors a place in the Mormon version of Heaven…*

    Now, let's suppose that some of those ancestors are happily residing in Valhalla, when all of a sudden, they're transposed into the Mormon version of Heaven. Care to extrapolate how those Viking ancestors will react to the experience, and how "grateful" they'll be to their descendants?

    I'm not sure that Mormon Heaven is going to be that much fun to live in…

    *Yes, I know this is a gross simplification, but if you ask the average Mormon why they have such an interest in genealogy, that's what they'll tell you…

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