I’d dearly love to know who decided that this research was worth funding . . .
Moderate amounts of alcohol — consumed in a social setting — can serve as a social lubricate, U.S. researchers suggest.
Lead author Michael A. Sayette, professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, said it is usually taken for granted that people drink to reduce stress and enhance positive feelings, but many studies have shown that alcohol consumption has an opposite effect.
Previous studies tested the impact of alcohol on those who drink alone rather than in groups.
“Those studies may have failed to create realistic conditions for studying this highly social drug,” Sayette said in a statement. “We felt that many of the most significant effects of alcohol would more likely be revealed in an experiment using a social setting.”
There’s more at the link.
I can only say, “No s***, Sherlock!”
Now, where can I get funding for a few experiments I have in mind? They involve alcohol, inhibitions, and the reduction thereof. Any suggestions? Any volunteers willing to assist in this highly academic and scientific project?
I'll volunteer, purely in the interests of advancing science 😛
Something that's been BUGGING me – WTH is WRONG with presumptively well-read people, who now are using "lubricate" {verb} rather than "lubricant" {noun}, or "predominate" {verb} rather than "predominant" {adjective}? Have people suddenly decided illiteracy is so rampant, no one will notice? SHEESH!!
Semper Fi'
My study specifically studies the efficacy of rare single malts on interpersonal relationships between consenting adults.