Wonder if this would work with UPS or FedEx?

A thief in Poland appears to have worked out a novel way to get in and out of his targeted premises. It even worked – for a while . . .

Police in Poland have arrested a man for a series of raids in which he allegedly climbed into large parcels and posted himself to businesses.

Stanislaw Muchy, 39, would then apparently climb out at night after staff had clocked off and burgle the premises, reports Metro.

He made his getaway by sealing both himself and his loot into another box addressed to his Warsaw home, say police.

His scheme came to an end after he fell out with an accomplice, whose job was to deliver him to courier firms, who contacted police.

After being tipped off, police said: “We arranged a special delivery of our own.”

Not a bad idea . . . provided there’s an efficient postal service. If it’s less efficient – say, the kind of service that can take 79 years to deliver an item – he might starve to death before being able to unpack himself at home!


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