Yay! – and thank you all very much for your support!

A few weeks ago I mentioned that, thanks to your support in their reader poll, I’d won the Conservative-Libertarian Fiction Alliance’s award for the Book of the Year for 2017.  It was awarded for my first Western novel, ‘Brings the Lightning‘.

Today, this showed up at my door.

Yay! Thank you all very much for voting for my book.

I’m going to follow Larry Correia‘s example (he won the first CLFA Book of the Year award, last year). He won’t enter future competitions, because he believes that others should get their chance at the title. I agree with him, so I’ll also leave the field clear for others next year.

Nevertheless, I’ll savor this year’s award – my first as an author. It’s a nice feeling.



  1. Hey Peter;

    Again congratulations on the award, it was well deserved. I reread "Brings the Lightening" again, it is a very good yarn and the honor is well deserved.

  2. Enjoy!! Well deserved. Both of the Ames books were very good. And, I learned new stuff about the history of the Old West.

  3. "Walls, Wires, Bars and Souls" is the best you've written so far. The Ames series are the best westerns I have read since Louis passed.

  4. Congratulations — it's a lovely recognition.

    I regret your decision (as well as Larry Correia's) to pull your future works from contention. I believe in the Ric Flair comment, "In order to be the man, you have to beat the man." — and it means that the next winner may well be considered "the best book except for Peter Grant's". That might well not be true — that book may be better than your withdrawn competitor, but the public (and the author) won't ever get to know that.

    I realize the reasons you (and he) choose to withdraw your works are well grounded (and, of course, it's always your choice), but I've always regretted when people take their works out of contention, except in those cases where there's a clear conflict of interest (withdrawing when you're a judge, for example).

    But, in the end, I'm glad to see an excellent book rewarded and recognized. It's gotten me reading Westerns, after many decades of not doing so. And thank you for that.

  5. Congratulations! I'm not a Western fan, but I've bought and read both of yours, and enjoyed them immensely. I look forward to the next books in all of your fiction series – write faster! 🙂

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