I’ve had a couple of e-mails asking me why I haven’t nominated Rep. Anthony Weiner for a Doofus Of The Day award in connection with his Twitterific pictorial (if not physical) prowess.
The reason’s simple: it’s just another political sex scandal – one of many through the years, with the (dis)honors evenly spread between both major parties. It’s not even particularly interesting. If Rep. Weiner’s schnitzel has been spatchcocked (you should pardon the expression) across the Internet, that merely confirms he’s fallen victim to the same character flaw that seems to affect many politicians – they think they can behave like assholes and get away with it, by virtue of who and what they are. Of course, that’s incorrect (one might even call it a phallus-y). Like many other assholes politicians before him, Rep. Weiner has just found out that he can’t get away with it at all. To think otherwise would be a contra-dick-tion in terms.
I’ll be interested to see whether the good Congressman resigns his seat. At least that’ll indicate that he feels the prick of conscience . . . and who knows? He may not have to. If he apologizes often enough and contritely enough, it might make a vas deferens to his re-election prospects!
"I'll be interested to see whether the good Congressman resigns his seat."
His seat was not the problem 😉
All written by a man named Peter. Priceless!
Personally, I'm just glad his last name wasn't Anus. It actually hurts just to imagine the pictures he'd try to send then.
"At least that'll indicate that he feels the prick of conscience . . . "
We see what you did, there. 😉
Oh, howl! Thank you all!