An update on fund-raising for Tamara

You’ll remember my bleg for Tamara from yesterday morning.  If you missed it, please click through and read it before continuing here, as it contains background information.

Back already?  OK, here goes.

A number of bloggers have come together with fund-raising ideas to help Tam.  In no particular order, they are:

All of the prizes involve making a donation to Tam’s tip jar (as described in my earlier post), then putting an identifying word onto the PayPal receipt and forwarding a copy to a designated person or address.  Details of what to do to enter for each prize are on the Web sites linked above – follow each link for more information.

I’m very grateful to all concerned for stepping up to the plate for Tamara.  How about it, readers?



  1. Thanks for linking all of us, Peter! We're making some minor changes to the pattern, just to try to keep things sort-of organized. Stay tuned for updates. (And in the meantime, any entries made individually will (of course) still be honored!)

  2. Concur with Zer, we've shanghaied Jennifer into helping us manage the database so we will get a semi-coherent handle on this. And thanks for helping us spread the word!

  3. I'm over a week behind on the blogs I follow and going through them in reverse order. I'll be donating soon.

  4. John: I tried to comment on your blog, and google ate it; so you've got email.

    Raven: please drop me an email (zercool at gmail) and I'll send you my address.

  5. Peter – you missed me. I don't have a raffle or donation, and maybe that's all you're trying to list, but I dropped a donation into her tip jar and put up a post recommending everyone else do the same.

  6. @Graybeard: Yes, I listed only the blogs and bloggers who were offering a prize. There are probably dozens, if not scores, who've donated money, of course. We'll have to update the lists again on Monday or Tuesday.

  7. I also wanted to say thanks, I'm the guy who owns Rimfire Designs.

    The more money we can raise for Tam, the happier I will be.

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