50 worst music videos?

NME, an online music site, has presented its list of the ‘50 Worst Music Videos Ever‘.

Old women dancing, over-animated tweens, over-sexed jocks, it’s all here. We present the worst music videos ever from Susan Boyle to Milli Vanilli and back again.

They’re not joking! They’ve assembled a ripe collection of stinkers for our viewing ‘enjoyment’ (for want of a better word).

I won’t steal their thunder by copying their list of ‘winners’ (?), but instead invite you to click over to their site to see (and view) them. However, I can’t resist embedding one of them – the 47th-worst music video, according to NME. I relish this musical catastrophe because I recall the original ‘Crazy Frog’ ringtone that started it all. It was ‘developed’ by Daniel Malmedahl in 1997, several years before it was turned into this song.

Yep . . . it’s as annoying as ever!



  1. You would think MTV would have noticed before they played these videos 10,000 times each. (80's 90's ones at least.)

  2. Crazy Frog is still very popular among the 10 yr olds. The very first thing my daughter downloaded when she got an iPod was that song.

    She likes Annoying Orange too.

    I'm doomed.

  3. I went back this evening and watched them, well most of them. Wow! I guess that made Cher the best of the worst. I am amazed that so many people can create so many BAD vids.

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