6,000 posts!

This is the 6,000th post I’ve made on this blog since beginning it on January 1st, 2008. It’s been a long and interesting journey. An average of about 3,400 readers currently visit this blog each day (according to information provided by SiteMeter, Google Analytics, Google Feedburner and Blogger Stats), so it must be keeping at least some of you entertained!

Well, if you’re still enjoying reading it, I’m still enjoying writing it. Hopefully, within a year, you’ll be able to enjoy a different form of my writing when my first two or three books come out in e-book format. (There may be hardcopy versions as well, depending on whether they can be offered at a reasonable price. I’ll tell you more about them in due course – and thanks to those of you who’ve functioned as alpha and beta readers. The first will probably be a memoir of prison chaplaincy, about which I’ve written here before from time to time. The next two will be the first books in a military SF series.

Here’s to the next few thousand posts!



  1. Congratulations! Someone asked me to describe your blogging and the best I could do was if you combined Borepatch and Rev. Paul and then knighted the outcome, you'd have Peter. I look forward to the books!

  2. I read your samples of your military scifi book that you posted, they were excellent. I look forward to reading more of both your blog and books.


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