No blog updates until Thursday

  As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m in the process of setting up an alternate blog site, thanks to the growing threat of censorship and/or deletion on Big Tech blogging sites and facilities.  To that end, the contents of this blog (including all the archives) are scheduled to be backed up and copied over… Continue reading No blog updates until Thursday

No Snippet this morning

  I had a very late night, sorting through various bits and pieces at home and reorganizing storage.  I’ve only just woken up (with catly assistance – she hadn’t had her usual morning milk, and was highly indignant at this untoward turn of events!). Therefore, I’ve had no time to prepare the usual Saturday Snippet. … Continue reading No Snippet this morning

Stop and smell the flowers along the way…

  My wife (God bless her!) isn’t afraid to challenge me (lovingly, but firmly) when she thinks I need a wake-up call.  She did so last night, pointing out that I’m becoming a “grump”, preoccupied with all the negative things going on in the world, but failing to recognize that there’s still a lot of… Continue reading Stop and smell the flowers along the way…

Exercise with less than half a back

  As most readers are aware, back in 2004 I was seriously injured in a work-related accident.  After two surgeries, culminating in a spinal fusion, I ended up with a damaged left sciatic nerve, and in pain 24/7/365.  I can keep the latter under control if I work at it, and use pain-killers when needed,… Continue reading Exercise with less than half a back

Trying to gauge reader support

  Friends, it’s becoming more and more clear that Big Tech is censoring as many “free speech” outlets as it can.  In response, several bloggers have already moved their blogs to Web sites and servers they own or control, or to service providers who are more independent.  David Codrea did so with his “The War… Continue reading Trying to gauge reader support

The convention continues

  It’s the small hours of Sunday morning as I write these words.  The hotel is finally relatively quiet, after hundreds of Libertycon attendees occupied every public space all day long, and most of the convention center next door as well.  It looks like everybody’s having a good time. Myself, Miss D., Old NFO, Lawdog,… Continue reading The convention continues