Miss D. and I took part in our last panel at Libertycon on Sunday morning, then hit the road for Lebanon, TN, where we’re staying with our buddy Oleg Volk overnight. Our friendship goes back to long before he introduced Miss D. to me, for which I’ll always be grateful to him. It’s great to see him again, and catch up on his news. He’s moved since we last visited, and his new home has lots of land that provides real privacy, which is a good thing in this day and age, IMHO. (Ever the inveterate photographer, Oleg has scheduled Miss D. for a modeling session at 6 a.m. on Monday. She’s looking at the clock with a distinctly jaundiced eye . . . at that time of the morning, she’s usually fast asleep, and expects to stay that way for a couple of hours more! We’ll see if she can rise to the occasion, so to speak.)
Tomorrow we’ll swing by Beachaven Winery in Clarksville to pick up a couple of cases of wine for future reference, then head for Arkansas. We’ll spend a day there playing tourist, then hopefully be home late on Wednesday. Regular blogging should resume on Thursday, all being well.
So far, so good. Onward!
Safe travels.
So sorry our paths did not cross at the con.
Perhaps next year.
Hey, you're in my neck of the woods now. Hope you enjoy Tennessee, Peter.