Safely in Amarillo

After last night’s (and early this morning’s) excursion to Dallas, we all tried to sleep in this morning (with varying degrees of success).  We packed our bags once we woke up, and prepared our materials for Ama-con, then left town at about noon for the run north-west.  We got in safely at about 3 p.m., and settled in.

This evening Alma took us to the Trail Boss restaurant, which we’ve visited before (and liked very much).  This time I tried their chicken fried steak, complete with a unique white gravy stuffed with extra bits and pieces (including jalapeno peppers).  Spicy, and utterly delicious!  We had plum cobbler to follow, which was equally tasty.

We’re back at our hotel now, stuffed to the gills and groaning with satisfaction.  It’s time for an early night, before the convention gets going tomorrow morning.  I’ll try to put up an occasional blog post, but it’ll be a quiet weekend as far as blogging is concerned.


1 comment

  1. I find this post inspiring. It has inspired me to seek out BBQ for lunch. Hope you have a fun and productive time in Amarillo.

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