Poor Internet access – no posting this morning

The Internet is going up and down like an out-of-control elevator right now, here at the St. James Hotel in Cimarron, NM.  Every time I try to post something, it fails halfway through, or I can’t get back to Blogger’s editor for up to fifteen minutes.  I give up.

Miss D. and I will hit the road homeward this morning.  I expect we’ll be back late afternoon or early evening, but I may be too tired to post anything.  Regular posting will resume tomorrow morning.

Prayers for traveling mercies are, as always, greatly appreciated.  Thanks.



  1. Did you manage to make a side trip to Dawson the old Phelps Dodge coal mining town? Only a couple miles out of Cimmirron towards Raton. Was there in 1984 drilling a couple exploratory oil wells.

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