A chilly drive to Colorado


Miss D. and I, and many of the usual suspects from our annual Blogorado gatherings, made it safely to southern Colorado yesterday to prepare for Bob’s memorial service this afternoon.

It was an uneventful journey, but a strong headwind wrought havoc with our vehicle’s fuel consumption.  Only halfway there, I had to stop to refuel, as the gas gauge was dropping like the proverbial stone.  I couldn’t figure it out, until I got out at the gas station and had to fight the wind to fill the tank.  It must have been gusting well over 30 mph, and the car had been driving straight into the wind all the way.  When we turned north at Amarillo, the wind was now on our left side, and the vehicle was buffeted for the next few hours until we arrived.  Not fun.

A funeral or memorial service is seldom a light-hearted affair, and Bob’s is no exception.  His family are clearly feeling his loss very greatly, which is entirely understandable.  Nevertheless, I can’t help feeling that he’s still very much alive, both in his wife and children, and in all of us who’ve gathered here.  To a very great extent, Bob helped to make Blogorado the fun, rejuvenating gathering it’s become for all of us;  and his spirit lives on in everyone who’s been part of it.  I felt his presence strongly as we gathered at the farmhouse yesterday afternoon.  If there’s an afterlife, as the Good Book promises us, I hope to see him there;  but even if there isn’t, he’s still very much alive in each of us who remembers him and honors his example.  That’s a legacy of which anyone can be proud.

Miss D. and I took the opportunity to stop at a local store to buy warmer clothing than we can usually find around our home.  Colorado being a lot colder and snowier than north Texas, they stock the “good stuff” here.  I was sorry to see that the current ammunition drought has struck here, too.  The store normally has a long shelving unit filled with ammo for various firearms that farmers and ranchers find useful.  This time, it was reduced to a single six-foot shelving unit, very sparsely populated.  The staff said they hadn’t had an ammo shipment in weeks, as this store is at the end of their parent company’s supply chain in this state, so all the good stuff gets siphoned off before the truck gets here.  I may have to ship ammo supplies to the Farm Family to keep them going.

This morning we’ll gather at the Obligatory Cow Reference (our name for a local eatery that has a cow in its name) for a hearty breakfast.  I think I hear their breakfast burrito with huevos rancheros and green chile sauce calling my name!  The memorial service will be held this afternoon, after which we’ll gather at the farm again for a less formal send-off.



  1. I've recently been on a road trip to Georgia and back from the cold and snowy area you currently find yourself in. The ammo situation is the same everywhere. None or little to be had, and what is available is often at extreme cost. The valley and plains will get some of the snow but not as much as the I25 corridor. Have a safe drive back home and don't forget to stop at the smaller towns for a stretch of the legs.

  2. Welcome to Colorado, Peter!

    One of the first things we did when we moved here was to find the local "outfitter's" place, and get some decent hats, gloves, boots, and jackets. I already had an N3-B USAF parka, but I needed something "mid-weight".

    And welcome to the winds. Took me a while to get used to them after living 35 years in SoCal!

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