A fitting climax to a burglary

It seems a burglar in Tulsa, OK was surprised by the return of the homeowner.  The latter’s account of proceedings is wonderful.

Charles Sweeny has lived in the same home in midtown Tulsa for nearly six decades, so you can only imagine what went through his mind when he noticed things inside weren’t how he left them.

“Mother’s dresser drawer was open, so I knew I had walked in to a burglary. I took care of that problem el pronto mucho fasto,” Sweeny said.

. . .

“I looked up and, six feet away, there he was. I had the pistol in my hand, got my finger on the trigger, flipped off the safety and one second later, I was launching lead,” Sweeny said.

Sweeny shot the burglar six times before he ran out of the house.

“He tore apart my back door to get in and he sailed out my bedroom window to get out,” Sweeny said.

There’s more at the link.

Isn’t it nice when bad things happen to bad people?



  1. I think that Sweeney should go to court and petition to have his name changed to El Pronto Mucho Fasto. He could wear a luchador's mask when he's at home relaxing.

    A commenter on my blog said it would have been better if he'd been more accurate in his shooting; I replied, well, he never claimed to be El Preciso.

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