A great deal for Winston Churchill Day

In celebration of the date on which Winston Churchill was granted honorary US citizenship, Hillsdale College, custodian of the Churchill Project, is offering the biography deal of the year – perhaps of the decade.  All eight volumes of Sir Martin Gilbert’s magisterial biography of one of the 20th century’s most important figures are available for download in Kindle format, free of charge, until April 11th.

To call this a screaming good deal is a mammoth understatement.  Sir Martin Gilbert (who died earlier this year) was one of the foremost historians of the past half-century.  I have several of his books in my library.  He had the gift of taking history and making it immediately understandable, putting it in context and showing its relevance to ourselves today.  I doubt very much whether his work on Churchill (overall, not just in the volumes of biography) will ever be surpassed in importance.

As for Churchill himself, he was undoubtedly Britain’s most important leader of the 20th century, and led that nation during most of World War II.  He was – and will forever remain – one of the towering figures of history, comparable to the great people of every age.  Not only was he a shrewd politician, he was a noted author in his own right, an artist, and a remarkable man in many ways.  It’s very hard to pigeonhole him in any one category.  One might say he defies the attempt.

Click on the link to go to Hillsdale College’s page for the downloads, and follow the individual links provided there.  If you have any interest in history, you can’t afford to miss this.



  1. Thank you Peter. I have no idea when I'll manage reading them, but it's a wonderful opportunity to pick them up.

  2. Thanks for letting us all know about this. Churchill is one of history's most fascinating characters. I recall reading somewhere that he and Theodore Roosevelt met at one time took an immediate dislike to each other. Sounds like a clash of two strong willed men.

  3. Damn! If only they were available in other than a Kindle format. I don't have any technology that'll use that, so far as I know.
    Oh, well. Good deal for the tablet & smartphone owners, & good on 'em! Enjoy, y'all!
    –Tennessee Budd

  4. The offer is still active, and the links work for Amazon UK if you edit them and it's also free over here too.

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