A reminder of our fund-raiser for Andi, with great prizes to be won

I wrote about this a couple of weeks ago.  A group of Blogorado attendees, including yours truly, have come together to raise funds for our friend Andi.  She’s had a stroke, and is facing massive medical bills for her treatment and rehabilitation therapy.  Details are in my first post, and you can read more about Andi in Jennifer’s blog post about the fund-raiser.

We’ve contributed guns, jewelry and other things from our respective collections, and some very generous “outside” friends have also added prizes to the pot.  Old NFO has details and pictures of most of them in three blog posts, here, here and here.  For every $10 you donate, you get a chance at a prize;  for every $50, six chances;  for every $100, 12 chances;  etc.  The first winner drawn will take his or her pick of the prizes;  the second will choose out of what’s left, and so on.

As I write these words, the fundraiser stands at $12,692 out of a goal of $25,000.  In other words, we’ve raised just under 51% of what we hope to get.  There’s still a long way to go, so may I appeal to you, please, dear readers, to support this fundraiser?  Andi’s good people, and she’s facing a need that might come to any of us one day.  If it does, I know you’ll agree that it’d be desirable to have good people trying to help you pay for it.  On the basis of “do unto others”, let’s “do unto Andi” in a good cause.

Thanks, friends.



  1. I went ahead and kicked in a bit more. While winning something would be nice, it's not paramount to me. Getting that young lady healthy again is.

  2. Appreciate the heads up. Good cause. May drop a dollar or two next week, if the job pays. Said a prayer for the young lady and her family.

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