A steal of a deal for book readers

As regular readers will know, my latest book was published by Castalia House, who’ll be bringing out future novels in the series as well as others – watch this space for announcements.

Castalia has a New Release Mailing List for those interested in following its publications.  It’s a very useful list to be on:  not only does one receive advance notice of new books, but if you buy one through the link provided, in the first two days of publication, it’s usually accompanied by free bonus e-books from other Castalia authors.  In other words, you can get two books for the price of one – and they’re pretty good books, too.  (That’s one reason I signed up with Castalia in the first place.)  There’s no obligation to buy, of course:  if you read an announcement and decide the book isn’t to your taste, you can ignore it.

If you’d like to sign up for the list, click here for the Castalia House blog:  then scroll down.  You’ll find the New Release subscription link in the sidebar, just below the ‘Recent Posts’ list.  Highly recommended, particularly because Castalia has several new books coming out during the next few weeks.  It’s a good time to join, and it makes your book-buying dollars go further. What’s not to like?

(No, Castalia isn’t paying me in cash or in kind to recommend their mailing list.  They’re just offering a great deal, and I figured my readers might like to get in on it.)


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