Another safe arrival

Miss D. and I made it safely into the Dayton, OH area this afternoon.  We’ve already visited (twice) with Cedar Sanderson and her First Reader (who are getting married in a couple of weeks at LibertyCon – it’s probably going to be the biggest party the Con has ever seen!).  We’ll be spending a large part of the weekend with them.  Miss D. will also be seeing family and friends in the area.  We’ll be here until Monday, when we head out on the next leg of our journey.

I was amused to see the comments to the ‘Burger Dance’ video I put up last night.  Yeah, it’s an earworm . . . but at least it’s an innocent, relatively fun one!  I’ve run into others I’d pay money never to have heard.

We stocked up on mead in Indianapolis, as planned.  Tonight we introduced Cedar and her man to Shelby Blue Ribbon, a refreshing summer combination of honey mead, strawberries and rhubarb.  It’s delicious!  I limited myself to one glass, because I was driving, but Miss D. had rather more, and was very merry when we wended our way homeward.  It’s good stuff.  We might have to go home via Indianapolis and buy some more . . .

I’ll put up more blog posts tomorrow morning.  Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves and get some sleep, as we’re about to do.



  1. All I'll say about Dayton is that if y'all don't get by the USAF Museum over at Wright-Patt, you've done something seriously wrong.

    I lived there for seven years, and the museum is probably the best thing there.

  2. @Anonymous: We hope to, next week, when we head back in that direction – if we can arrange things.

    @Dave: No kidding! We've visited there several times, and hope to do so this time again.

  3. I'll agree with your approach toward technology and characters in books, something I've noticed Neal Stephenson also does well. I'm about halfway through his latest, Seveneves, even more tech-heavy than his usual, but the way his characters are almost casually intertwined with the technology makes the technology and characters co-dependent in that tech is meaningless unless there's someone using it, which opens up all sorts of adventurous avenues to the creative mind. I noticed you increasingly did the same thing as the Maxwell series progressed.

    Forge is on the Kindle, but as yet unread; I've devoured enough words in the interim that I want to go back to War to the Knife and binge-read both in order lest I miss something.

  4. The mead was truly delicious, and means we will have to venture over toward Indy sometime soon to try this meadery out ourselves. It was a delight to visit with you both yesterday.

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