A Beatle tooth in a dinosaur collection?

Readers may remember that, a couple of weeks back, I mentioned the forthcoming sale of one of John Lennon’s teeth, given by him to a family servant after he’d had it extracted sometime during the 1960’s. It seems the tooth was purchased yesterday by a Canadian dentist for £19,500 (about US $31,200). The Daily Mail reports:

Dentist Michael Zuk, 49, from Alberta in Canada bought the Beatle’s molar by telephone bid at an auction in Stockport.

Mr Zuk said he was ‘buzzing’ after the purchase, which will join his collection of dinosaur teeth.

‘Most people would say I was crazy, but I think it’s fantastic,’ he added.

There’s more at the link.

I can’t for the life of me justify that sort of price for a cast-off molar, no matter whose mouth it came from . . . but who knows? If it’s going to be displayed alongside a bunch of dinosaur teeth, I can just see some hapless future researcher trying to figure out which dinosaur produced it, and how it fitted into the general taxonomy of the species! ‘Beatlesaurus’, anyone? Or how about a ‘Lennondactyl’?


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