Ben-Hur – motorized???

I’m astonished to learn that some idiots enthusiasts have made themselves chariots pulled by lawnmower engines mounted ahead of their vehicles, and are staging ‘motorized chariot races’ in the style of the ancient Roman games. Here’s a video clip of their efforts.

Verily, the mind doth boggle! However, I’d love to fit one of those contraptions with license plates and buzz around the local streets. The expressions on the faces of those passing by should be priceless!



  1. Greetings from Texas,
    This does look like fun, but not my kind of fun. As for the looks you get on the street…I once gave a wicker peacock chair to a girlfriend, later my wife. At the time I didn't have a truck but we discovered we could tie it to the Fiat X-19 with the chair back over the cockpit and the pedistal sticking out behind us like the engine of a colonal Viper from Battle Star Galitica.
    I don't think we caused any accidents, but we attracted attention.

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