A bleg to benefit our troops

Linoge, my blogging buddy over at Walls Of The City, is trying to raise funds for the Soldiers’ Angels organization, which describes itself as follows:

Soldiers’ Angels is a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and their families. Founded in 2003 by the mother of two American soldiers, its hundreds of thousands of Angel volunteers assist veterans, wounded and deployed personnel and their families in a variety of unique and effective ways.

“May No Soldier Go Unloved,” encapsulates the motivation behind Soldiers’ Angels. The volunteers of Soldiers’ Angels work tirelessly to demonstrate active care and concern for veterans, the wounded, deployed service members and their families.

To date, our volunteers have sent hundreds of thousands of care packages and letters to “adopted” deployed service members; we have supplied the wounded with over 25,000 of our First Response Backpacks directly at the Combat Support Hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan and the major military hospital in Germany, as well as provided care and comfort to those in stateside military and VA facilities; we have provided emergency aid to military families in need; we have partnered with the Department of Defense to provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptops to over 6,000 severely-wounded servicemembers, as well as other technology that supports rehabilitation; we have provided flights to soldiers on leave or in emergency situations, and to their families wanting to be with them upon return from overseas; we provided Level III KEVLAR armored blankets to give personnel extra protection in their vehicles when it was needed early in the Iraq war; and we help to honor and uphold the families whose loved ones have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and safety. With the assistance of our generous supporters , the many volunteers of Soldiers’ Angels have accomplished this and much, much more on behalf of the grateful citizens of the United States of America.

There’s more at the link.

Linoge’s fundraiser is simple. Every five dollars you donate to Soldiers’ Angels directly, or use to purchase products at their online store, or their Dollar Days or Amazon stores, earns you an entry into a drawing for some pretty nifty prizes. Full details are at Linoge’s blog.

I’d like to invite any of my readers who feel so inclined to lend their support to this effort. I think Soldiers’ Angels is worthy of our support, particularly at this time of year when so many of our soldiers, sailors and airmen will spend the Christmas season far from their loved ones. It’s an organization that’s making a difference for them, not just now, but all year round.

Kudos to Linoge for taking the time and trouble to set this up. I hope it’s a great success. Please click over to his place and offer your support.


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