Bowing out with a smile

A Delaware grandfather penned his own obituary before dying.  It’s a wonderful blend of humor and insight into the human condition.  As CNN reports:

Walter Bruhl Jr. got the last laugh.

The Delaware man, who died Sunday, penned his own humor-tinged obituary and left it for his family to find. Family and friends honored him with a private luncheon on Saturday.

“Walter George Brulh Jr. of Newark and Dewey Beach is a dead person; he is no more; he is bereft of life; he is deceased; he has rung down the curtain and gone to join the choir invisible; he has expired and gone to meet his maker,” he wrote, quoting from Monty Python’s sketch about a dead parrot.

“Right away I was crying,” Walter’s grandson Sam Bruhl said. “I laughed and cried the whole time.”

. . .

“There will be no viewing,” Walter Bruhl Jr. wrote, “since his wife refuses to honor his request to have him standing in the corner of the room with a glass of Jack Daniels in his hand so he would appear natural to visitors.”

There’s more at the link.  Heart-warming reading.

I’d have liked to have known Mr. Bruhl.  He must have been a heck of a guy.


1 comment

  1. The wake will highlight a reading from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, a drunken beggar who would drink you under the table ….

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