Busy, busy, busy

I’m really swamped at the moment, so I must apologize for the less-regular-than-usual blog posts.  So far this morning, I’ve:

  • Written 3,000 words for my latest novel (now at 53,000 words completed);
  • Put in about 2 hours of research for the next 2 chapters of the book;
  • Had an extended counseling session with two people trying to cope with the aftermath of a tragedy (I’m a retired pastor, remember – I may not be able to hold down a church any more, but I still do this sort of thing);
  • Answered 9 e-mails, and opened and dealt with a few dozen more.

My cup overfloweth . . . but not with blog fodder, I’m afraid.  I’ll try to do better tomorrow.

Meanwhile, amuse yourself with this classic song about insanity (which fits the busy-ness of my life rather well right now!).  This version’s from Old Blind Dogs, a live recording.



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