The hard work to get my novel ready for publication is almost done. I’m busy with the last couple of final touches before uploading it to Amazon. It should ‘go live’ by Wednesday or Thursday, all being well. Watch this space!
Here’s a teaser image of part of the cover, to whet your appetite. Miss D. and I were over at Oleg‘s place earlier this evening, finalizing it. He’s done a great cover design!
Sarah Hoyt, well-known author of Darkship Thieves
and many other books, has done me the honor of providing a ‘cover
blurb’, a short endorsement from her forthcoming review of my novel.
I hope to be back to a normal blogging schedule in the morning, once all this is over. Keep your fingers crossed for success, both technical and commercial!
Will it be DRM free so I can convert it to Nook format?
Yes, it'll be DRM free, and convertible using a program like Calibre.
Very nice cover! It reminds me a bit of the old Terran Trade Authority books.
Loved it, for the most part. I like the info dumps spread just a bit thinner. (The detail about the jump capacitors was good. I expected it to be a plot point… but it wasn't. Yet.)
Mr. Maxwell's Plot Armor was very strong, I thought, especially regarding his advancement. Darn, that kid just needs to buy a lottery ticket. At every planet. 😛
He seems just a little too good to be true – like Life has dealt him a crappy beginning hand, but now he's got the Midas touch.
Overall, I bought into the story, and I do want to read more. So, when's Book 2 coming out? 😀